Eclipse Papyrus for Real Time (Papyrus-RT) 0.8.0

Papyrus-RT release 0.8 addresses the structural aspect of UML-RT modeling, and also tackles a number of usability and functional deficiencies.

Details about the functionality provided as part of release 0.8 has is defined by a minimal viable product (MVP) that describes the focus of and required features required implemented in this release.

I addition to progressing toward the 1.0 release (currently defined as a combination of  MVP1 and MVP2), the 0.8 release adds a prototype capability for textual-graphical modeling. This prototype allows users to create models using a UML-RT textual syntax that converts that to a graphical model. As part of this prototype, work has also been done on integrating ELK into Papyrus-RT to support better automatic diagram creation.

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release