Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.
What's new
- New way to manage/share images for diagrams and richtext descriptions
- "Export diagram as image" capability have been improved for SVG
- Better icons provided for scenario diagrams
- Hide edge Label
- Easier Title Block / Mode & State region selection
- Performance improvement
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
This version is based on Eclipse 2021-06, Amalgam, EMF DiffMerge, Sirius, Kitalpha from Eclipse.
There is no specific issue detected on the Capella solution architecture.
There is no specific security issue detected on the Capella solution.
All Non-Code Aspects regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:
- Main Website with Download links, Installation procedure, Documentation and presentations
- User manual
- Wiki with Release Notes, Roadmap, Tutorials, How to contribute and extend, Sample sections
- Project page
Capella solution UI is compliant with User Interface Guidelines.
No APIs and significant features are intended to be deprecated in a near future.
Capella solution implements the Arcadia model-based engineering method for systems, hardware and software architectural design.
All communication links regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:
User, Adopter :
- Main website with different sections:
- Community and social media links
- Events around Capella solution (conferences, talks, etc.)
- Forum
- Twitter and LinkedIn pages
- Wikipedia dedicated page in FR and EN languages
Developer/Committer :
- Github repository, Jenkins instance
- Wiki with Roadmap, Technical Informations
- Log in to post comments