Eclipse Remote Application Platform 2.1.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.



  • Built-in support for multiple browser tabs
  • Additional key binding API
  • Exception handling for Java EE mode
  • Performance improvements
API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues
  • Added support for accessing RAP applications from multiple browser tabs
  • Implemented new JSON parser to replace org.json
  • New JSON API provides type-safe and flexible marshalling for custom components
  • Added support for custom exception handlers (non-workbench applications)
  • Allow for re-sending requests to make the server more robust in case of network problems


  • Added an SDK feature that contains source bundles and test requiments
Non-Code Aspects


The RAP Developer's Guide has been updated, it's available in the tools and on the project web site.

Examples and demos are included in the examples feature. They have been tested with 2.1.

Committer Activity:

  • 4 active committers
  • continuous committer activity

Software Quality:

  • continuous integration including more than 5000 unit tests (
  • more than 1,600 JavaScript unit tests for the web client
  • JavaScript code is checked using jshint-eclipse (
  • strict coding standards (
  • active community of users and testers
Usability Details

Several small UI improvements to the RWT and RAP launchers.

The target installer will now always install the latest RAP target that matches the Tools version. This makes it easier to get started and ensures that RAP Tools and target platform are compatible.

End of Life

RAP is backwards compatible to 2.0 with the exception of breaking changes in the (provisional) Remote API. This API had been introduced in 2.0, but announced and declared as provisional. The change affects custom widgets only. It has been announced in the newsgroup and in the 2.1 New and Noteworthy.

There was no API deprecation or removal in RAP 2.1.

  • RWT requires javax.servlet >= 2.5
  • OSGi integration compatible with OSGi core spec 4.0.1
  • RAP protocol uses strict JSON as specified in RFC 4627
  • Steady flow of bug reports in bugzilla (~ 50 bug reports / month, including feature requests)
  • Active discussions on the community forum/newsgroup
  • Talks at Eclipse demo camps and conferences
  • Blogs about RAP at, aggregated on Planet Eclipse
  • Integration with other Eclipse projects
    • EMF provides RAP support
    • Scout, Riena and Gyrex use RAP
    • RAP Incubator provides RAP versions of the Nebula Grid and other components
This release is part of Kepler

Release Review