Eclipse Remote Application Platform 3.0.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




RAP 3.0 provides an API clean up, accomplishes the development by integrating new components from the incubator into the RAP core (e.g. File Upload support, Nebula Grid widget), and includes some important improvements and enhancements (e.g. extended E4 support with re-parenting).

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues
  • The RAP File Upload Support has been migrated to the RAP Runtime core
  • The Nebula Grid widget for RAP has been migrated to the RAP Runtime core
  • The RAP widget toolkit RWT now supports re-parenting
Security Issues
  • Bug 413668 - Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability (aka CSRF/XSRF)

    The existing solution has been improved by generating the ID on the server in RAP 3.0.
  • Bug 461143 - HttpParser error 400 in provided Jetty implementation

    Only some early RAP 3.0 milestone builds contained the affected Jetty version, fixed with RAP 3.0 M6.

Non-Code Aspects


The RAP Developer's Guide has been updated, it's available as part of the RAP Tools and on the project web site.

Examples and demos are included in the examples feature. They have been tested with 3.0. Release, stable, and nightly build versions of the examples are deployed online available at

Committer Activity:

  • 5 active committers
  • continuous committer activity

Software Quality:


Usability Details

No usability issues.

End of Life

API that was marked as deprecated in RAP 2.x has been removed. This includes API related to lifecycle phases and lifecycle adapters (LCAs), concepts which we consider internals of the framework. Custom widgets should use the new Remote API instead.

The RAP 3.0 Migration Guide contains a comprehensive description of the API changes, and describes ways to migrate applications based on RAP 2.x to RAP 3.0.

RAP 3.0 requires Internet Explorer 9 or above. Support for Internet Explorer 8 has been dropped.

  • RWT requires javax.servlet version 2.5 .. 3.0
  • OSGi integration compatible with OSGi core spec
  • RAP protocol uses strict JSON as specified in RFC 4627
  • Java compiler level and minimum execution environment is Java 7 (JavaSE-1.7)
  • Steady flow of bug reports in bugzilla (~ 15 bug reports / month, including feature requests)
  • Very active discussions on the community forum/newsgroup
  • Blogs about RAP at, aggregated on Planet Eclipse
  • Integration with other Eclipse projects
    • Eclipse 4 support in the RAP Incubator
    • EMF provides RAP support
    • Scout, Riena and Gyrex use RAP
    • RAP is one of the target platforms of EMF Client Platform
    • RAP Tools is part of the EPP RCP/RAP package download
    • RAP Incubator provides RAP versions of many other components
  • Active role in the LTS working group


This release is part of Mars