Eclipse Sisu 0.2.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




Main story: implement JSR250 lifecycle support

Plus maintenance fixes and minor features.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

Only a couple of API additions were needed in this release. Was able to re-use the lifecycle design I originally wrote in sisu-plexus to implement support for JSR250's @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy.

Sonar results look good:

Security Issues

There are no known security issues in this release.

Non-Code Aspects

CI builds moved to a dedicated HIPP instance at

Some minor additions were made to the wiki and tutorials, more in-depth examples are still needed.

Usability Details

Sisu is stable and ready for production use. The JSR330 based programming model lets you write re-usable components with the minimum of configuration glue.

End of Life

Sisu provides runtime support for legacy components that use the main org.sonatype.sisu interfaces and annotations. These types are marked as deprecated in favour of the equivalent org.eclipse.sisu types.


Sisu's programming model builds on top of the JSR330 standard. Sisu modules remain compatible with the official Google-Guice 3.0 release.


Benson Margulies contributed patches to improve the javadoc:

Other issues reported by external users since the last release:

The sisu-user and sisu-dev mailing lists continue to show a growing interest in the project. More tutorials and examples are still needed, and the wiki needs more details on how to contribute to the project. The forum is rarely used. Sisu is used in some form by the Maven, Hudson, and Nexus open source projects and members of those communities occasionally take part in Sisu discussions. Likewise the Sisu project lead takes an active interest in projects that adopt Sisu.


Release Review