Eclipse AspectJ™ 1.9.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




AspectJ 1.9.0 is the Java9 compatible release of AspectJ. Due to being based on a JDT that supports Java9 it can build Java9 source code. The weaver also understands Java9 bytecode and is able to weave it.

Non-Code Aspects

The README (new and noteworthy) continues to be the key deliverable with each release - we continue to have the issue that changes in the readmes aren't being folded into the published documentation, so developers do have to read both to understand all the latest capabilities. (The existing documentation is not out of date though, all existing features continue to be supported and work as described).  There are occasional articles on - like the one covering Spring AOP speed improvements:

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Multiple usage routes are still supported:

- in the IDE, through AJDT (the AspectJ Development Tools for Eclipse) - these will be updated to include AspectJ9

- from maven/gradle using the corresponding build plugins. Those plugins are not maintained by the AspectJ team.

- command line, supported as usual

End of Life



The mailing list has had less traffic through the 1.9 release than previous releases, although anyone posting still gets a quick reply.  Developers appear to be hanging out on stackoverflow now, where more than just me is answering questions on AspectJ, which is great. There continue to be sporadic contributions to the project.

Spring continues to be a key driver for the AspectJ release plan (the reason the beta was so early).

It is not clear yet how we will handle the alternative Java release schedule that is happening in 2018, starting with Java10.