Election for Alexander Fedorov as Committer on Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling)

Role Type

Alexander Fedorov has the following contirbutions so far (according to git lot):
Bug 558288 - CDT Oomph setup should not fail on API Baseline activation
Bug 558484 - Normalize manifests for CDT LSP component
Bug 558516 - Normalize i18n for CDT LSP component
Bug 558541 - Remove dependency to org.apache.commons.io from CDT LSP
Bug 558542 - Create "org.eclipse.cdt.lsp.ui" bundle
Bug 558549 - Move CDT Language Server preference page to UI bundle
Bug 558560 - Switch cdt.target from SimRel to particular p2 repos
Bug 558591 - Move editor-related contribution to the UI part of CDT LSP
Bug 558636 - Error in baseline target platform definition for CDT
Bug 558654 - CDT target and setup should be sorted alphabetically
Bug 558654 - CDT target and setup should be sorted alphabetically
Bug 558660 - Isolate cquery-related code of the org.eclipse.cdt.lsp.core
Bug 558703 - CDT LSP bundles should include about.html
Bug 558826 - Fix branding issues for org.eclipse.cdt.arduino-feature
Bug 333134 - Add options to configure doxygen behavior
Bug 559193 - new API for preference management
Bug 559412 - CDT checker: skip org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations.prefs
Bug 559193 - Rework DoxygenPreferences to encapsulate constants
Bug 559066 - Rework DocCommentOwnerCombo and mark it for deletion
Bug 559067 - Rework DocCommentOwnerComposite and mark it for deletion
Bug 559707 - Promote ToolchainBuiltinSpecsDetector.getTool(String)

But what is more important he is actively looking at the CDT as a whole involved in discussions about driving the project together, replying to incoming gerrits, helping with releng and etc.
With all of the above I do believe he will be great addition to CDT project!

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Alexander Kurtakov +1 +1 implied by nomination
Jonah Graham +1 Enthusiastic +1 - Alexander has a high bar for quality and is getting involved everywhere in CDT.
Nathan Ridge +1 Welcome, Alexander! From your contributions so far, you clearly bring a lot of experience with the Eclipse ecosystem to the table, and your interest in and contributions to CDT are very much appreciated.
Marco Stornelli +1 It would be a great addition to the CDT team
Jeff Johnston +1 Welcome.
John Dallaway +1
William Riley +1

PMC Approval

  • Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Welcome!