Election for Paul Maréchal as Committer on Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling)

Role Type

Paul has been involved in development and review work on the CDT's DAP implementation (cdt-gdb-adapter, cdt-gdb-vscode and cdt-vscode modules) since its first few months (The initial commit was in Nov 2018, Paul's first merged change was in Jan 2019). In addition Paul is a committer on Theia and works on the theia-cpp-extensions (https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia-cpp-extensions) which consumes CDT's DAP implementation.

Paul has been involved in contributing patches, bugfixes and features. But equally importantly he has been involved in the review of PRs from other contributors.

See a list of his issues and pulls he has been involved in https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter/issues?q=marechal-p https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter/pulls?q=marechal-p. Along with these commits that he authored:

$ git log --author="Paul Maréchal" --oneline
5d788cb Only use PTYs when on Linux
5b3d41b Update README.md
3c107de Add offset member to memory request (#89)
d164c23 Convert native code to use N-API
4e44e9e Publish binding.gyp
ebe9b3c Publish native sources
1c0b22b Test with and without `openGdbConsole` option
9f8f461 Add `openGdbConsole` option

Please support me in welcoming Paul to CDT so that he can continue adding value to the CDT DAP implementation.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Jonah Graham +1 +1 implied by nomination
Alexander Kurtakov +1
Jeff Johnston +1 Welcome
Marco Stornelli +1
William Riley +1
Alexander Fedorov +1 Welcome

PMC Approval

  • Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Welcome!