Termination and Restructuring

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

The Tools for Mobile Linux (TML) project was chartered in the spring of 2007 as a sub-project of DSDP. The purpose of the project was to create OEM-neutral development tools for supporting development of embedded Linux applications for Mobile devices. The Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project was also formed in DSDP, inheriting from the earlier EclipseME project.

When DSDP was dissolved, Sequoyah was formed to contain TML and MTJ. Sequoyah was placed in the Tools top-level project. Contributions to Sequoyah have primarily been from Motorola employees as committers, with external contributions from MontaVista, GSoC, and individuals.

Motorola will not be providing support for Sequoyah past September 2012. Attempts to generate interest on mailing lists (sequoyah-dev, sequoyah-android-dev, tools-pmc, cross-project) have not brought any replies, so the best action is to terminate the project.

As part of this termination, we'll have to restructure Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ), the sole subproject of Sequoyah. The only real impact on MTJ will be the project id (tools.sequoyah.mtj becomes tools.mtj) and things like the project metadata and IPZilla that use the id. The Git repository, downloads directory, and website don't have to change