
Eclipse Gecko

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 05:03 by Mark Hoffmann

We see Eclipse Gecko as incubator and space for any EMF and OSGi related projects. Over the years we have massively used these two technologies in our projects. 

We put some extensions to EMF to make it work in an optimal OSGi manner. Based on that we build additional components for existing OSGi specifications like the Whiteboard for Jakarta Restful Web Services that are able to serialize and de-serialze EMF Instances. 

We build a lot of other frameworks on top of that, like a Serializer / De-Serializer frameowrk to be capabile to save load EMF with the same configuration in different formats like MongoDB, JPA, Lucene, Json / Yaml.

We needed all this components to use EMF end-to-end in an application.

  • EMF OSGi - EMF Framework as OSGi Service, Code Generator for these components

  • EMF-Util - Extensions based on EMF OSGi to customizer serialzing, Jakarta RS extension to work with EMF

  • Model-Atlas - Distributed EMF Model Registry

  • EMF- Codec - Serializer, De-serializer framework for EMF in an OSGi based way

  • EMF Persistence - Persistence extension for EMF in an OSGi environment

  • Mapping Layer (‘QVT Transformation in an OSGi way)

  • Privacy layer - Framework to analyze model and/or model instances for privacy related information

Eclipse Safe Open Vehicle Core

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 03:41 by Thilo Schmitt

The Eclipse Safe Open Vehicle Core project aims to develop an open-source core stack for Software Defined Vehicles (SDVs), specifically targeting embedded high-performance Electronic Control Units (ECUs).

As these ECUs carry multiple processors, the project also targets for interoperability between these processors.

To ensure applicability in the automotive domain we ensure compliance with relevant safety standards, such as ISO 26262 for functional safety, providing a reliable foundation for safety-critical applications and adherence to stringent security standards, implementing robust cybersecurity measures in accordance with ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE WP.29.

A key aspect of the project is the design of a modular and extensible architecture, allowing easy integration and customization for various automotive applications, ensuring flexibility and scalability. Additionally, the project focuses on end-to-end optimization throughout the stack to achieve maximum efficiency and performance.

The project is guided by several key principles:

Common Stack & Industry-Wide Collaboration

The Safe Open Vehicle Core project aims to create a common full stack solution of a software runtime that serves as the best possible solution for shared industry problems. By achieving efficiencies through a single, joint solution instead of multiple specific ones, the project addresses non-differentiating scopes and ensures that the scope is significant for multiple parties, rather than catering to singular interests.


The project accelerates development by working in open source, focusing on code-centric and iterative methods rather than primarily on textual specifications.

Abstraction and Extensibility

The project emphasizes the decoupling of hardware (HW) and software (SW), ensuring that applications do not depend on specific hardware characteristics. It establishes predetermined breaking points to enable the exchange of implementations of individual layers, aspects, and components, such as ECU communication protocols. Additionally, it focuses on enabling project-specific extensions of the stack, providing a flexible framework that can be customized and extended to meet the specific requirements of different projects.

Quality & Efficiency

The Safe Open Vehicle Core project aims for a lean, no-frills solution to lower complexity and increase efficiency. The project strives for support of modern implementation paradigms and languages like Rust or C++, uses human-readable specification languages that are domain and target-driven, and avoids complex exchange data formats. It seeks the optimal balance between modularity and resource consumption and follows state-of-the-art processes to develop safe and secure software in an open-source environment.

By achieving these goals and adhering to these key principles, the [SafeOpenVehicleCore] Project aims to deliver a versatile and secure core stack that supports the evolving needs of the automotive industry and accelerates the adoption of software-defined vehicle technologies.

Eclipse Open Collaboration Tools

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 - 04:43 by Miro Spönemann

Eclipse Open Collaboration Tools is a set of libraries, extensions and tools for integrating collaborative editing with multiple editing paradigms (textual, graphical, etc.) and in multiple IDEs or other applications.

The basic idea is simple: one person starts a collaboration session as host and invites others to join. The IDE extension distributes the contents of the hostʼs workspace and highlights text selections and cursor positions of other participants. In parallel, they get together in their favorite meeting or chat app for immediate discussion. All participants see what the others are looking at and what changes they propose in real-time. This way of remote collaboration reduces confusion and maximizes productivity.

The project includes the following components:

  • A protocol definition based on JSON messages, with a reference implementation in TypeScript
  • A Node.js based server for handling authentication and forwarding messages between participants of a collaboration session
  • A VS Code extension for collaborative text editing
  • Additional integrations: Eclipse IDE, Monaco Editor, and more to come

An integration with Eclipse Theia is already included in the Theia project.

Eclipse SKyBT

Friday, August 9, 2024 - 04:51 by Christian Claus

Eclipse SKyBT (Smart Keyword Based Testing)

The core idea of Eclipse SKyBT: Based on our experience from numerous projects, the success factor of testing lies in the test design, everything else can and should be automated as much as possible.

With Eclipse SKyBT the test designers are able to describe the system under test as a model by using a defined syntax and keywords. The model includes the definition and selection of the needed interfaces, logical relations as a state machine and description of the logical objects with keyword sentences.

Custom keywords can be defined as needed for the current project. Platform or communication definitions can be imported and then be used as keywords. The keyword and syntax management are embedded.

Form these keyword-based models of the system under test the test designer is able to generate the needed testcase using the testcase generator. 

Of course, the user is also able to write classic testcases based on the syntax and keywords.

The models and testcases can be combined with parameters and test data sets.

As most of the test departments already have a working test management, testcases can be exported to the used application lifecycle management tools. 

Coming from the ALM tool the configured test suites can be executed in the used test automation. Since the testcases are based on keywords, there is no need to implement or update the testcase. All testcases that are based on the already implemented keywords can be executed directly. 

Jakarta Logging

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 17:06 by Christian Grobmeier

Both Log4j and SLF4J contain legacy elements that are outdated by modern standards. This project aims to distill the most effective features from both APIs. A new Jakarta Logging API will be modern, user-friendly, and efficient. The goal is to make upgrading to the Jakarta Logging API straightforward, ensuring that it feels familiar to current users while providing improved functionality and simplicity.

Eclipse XSM

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 07:43 by Carsten Pitz

Eclipse XSM (eXtensible State Machine) provides a middleware to implement state machines. It allows to alter an existing state machine without altering the existing code. As a middleware it does not provide a  service to a user directly but helps developers to focus on business logic.

An example:

Imagine a simple LIN slave. The standard behavior might be, that if it cannot serve due to internal issues it signals no service to its master. A carmaker explicitly requires the LIN slave to signal operating the first 2s after powering on. With Eclipse XSM you can add this custom behavior without touching the existing code.

Eclipse Ankaios Dashboard

Monday, July 15, 2024 - 05:51 by Felix Mölders

The Ankaios Dashboard is the UI for the Eclipse Ankaios project. It offers insights into a running Ankaios cluster, allows for modification/deletion/creation of workloads and offers a dependency graph for easier understanding of the interdependencies between workloads. The dashboard is a powerful tool to understand the functionality of Ankaios, if one didn't use the Ankaios CLI commands so far. Furthermore, if one is running into any issues during the execution of the Ankaios workloads, it is a good starting point to start debugging, especially for finding workloads that are missing that other workloads are depending on.

Eclipse Tradista

Monday, July 8, 2024 - 11:01 by Olivier Asuncion

Eclipse Tradista is a Java based financial software covering Front and Middle Office processes in the market finance industry.

As the unique Open Source software in this area, it can retain attention of financial institutions and can be of interest in the academic sector as well.

Eclipse Tradista is based on several Jakarta EE technologies and can also be used to showcase the usage of Jakarta EE in the market finance area.

Eclipse Mnestix AAS Browser

Friday, June 14, 2024 - 02:15 by Alwin Hoffmann

AAS made easy! - Eclipse Mnestix AAS Browser is the easy entry to the world of Asset Administration Shells (AAS) and is an easy-to-use browser for AAS.

The Eclipse Mnestix AAS Browser is basically a single page application written in React which allows you to visualize Asset Administration Shells and their submodels. It supports the AAS Metamodel and API in version 3.

You configure the endpoint of an AAS repository and search for AAS-IDs and if a Discovery Service is available, you also can search for Asset-IDs and visualize the corresponding AAS.

Eclipse Mnestix AAS Browser is also optimized for mobile view to have a great user experience on mobile phones.

Eclipse Mnestix AAS Browser can visualize every submodel even if it is not standardized by IDTA. There are some submodels visualized in a extra user friendly manner. These are:

  • Digital Nameplate
  • Handover Documentation
  • Hierarchical Structures enabling BoM
  • Carbon Footprint

Moreover dedicated visualizations for submodels can be added as a further feature.

Eclipse Automotive API Framework

Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 03:04 by Gunther Bauer

Decoupling of the application logic from the basic software stack enables automotive suppliers (no matter if Tier-1 or in-house teams at an OEM) to contribute with building blocks to Software-defined Vehicle (SDV) projects. The Eclipse Automotive API Framework provides a stable application-facing interface, thereby minimizing the prevalence of proprietary solutions throughout the automotive sector. A corresponding model allows configuration and offers the needed flexibility for the handling of vehicle variants and different E/E architectures. Such solution also creates a win-win situation for both suppliers and OEMs. Suppliers aim to provide off-the-shelf software, while OEMs seek seamless integration and flexibility in feature selection. To maximize its applicability in the automotive HPC domain, the application interface shall encompass a wide range of functionalities relevant to application development. These functionalities include communication, diagnostics, non-volatile memory, and logging. Additionally, lifecycle (startup, operation, shutdown) and execution management will be covered, laying the foundation for a system-wide deterministic execution of control algorithms.