This proposal has been approved and the Eclipse Examples for Jakarta EE project has been created.
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Jakarta EE Examples

Friday, March 29, 2019 - 10:58 by Manfred Riem
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

I created this project to have JakartaEE examples that can be used freely without the need to add any license to the given examples when copying


Example applications of Jakarta EE technology.


Examples for Jakarta EE.

Why Here?

To define a common place for examples for Jakarta EE.

Future Work

More examples.

Project Scheduling

It is a code repository with examples so it would be added upon when folks add more examples, but no releases are necessary as folks are expected to checkout/fork the project to get the examples

Project Leads
Manfred Riem (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Arjan Tijms (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Initial Contribution

All the examples are licensed with the license associated with the project and all contributions where made sure to be under that license.

Source Repository Type

I'm confused on the license that is being proposed to be used with this project.  The EE4J project has defined the Eclipse EPL v2 as the default license.  The use of alternate licenses such as Apache v2 can also be proposed.  I don't understand what license will be used for these examples. 

In reply to by Kevin Sutter

The current license is a BSD Zero Clause (which is effectively equivalent to public domain). We don't have this license represented in our system at this point. 

A project using a different license than that already approved by the TLP charter is exceptional, but completely reasonable. From a licensing point of view, our general approach is recommend a BSD style (usually the EDP-1.0) because it's completely expected that examples will be modified and distributed under different licenses (which is permitted by the BSD). The BSD Zero Clause takes it one step further by removing all requirements to include notices regarding the source, license, etc.

If the PMC is concerned about this licensing scheme, I recommend that you engage with the project team on the tracking bug.

Oracle is in the process of contributing two existing samples repositories - GlassFish samples and Java EE samples.  The former would be contributed to the GlassFish project.  The latter would be contributed to the Jakarta EE Platform project, which already contains Jakarta EE tutorials and corresponding example code.  I don't think we want competing Jakarta EE samples projects or repositories.

I recommend that we either:

  1. Wait for Oracle to contribute the existing Java EE samples repository to the Jakarta EE Platform project and withdraw this project proposal, or
  2. Continue with the creation of this new project and Oracle will contribute the existing Java EE samples repository to this project

After which the additional samples proposed here would be added to the Java EE samples repository.

I'm hoping that the existing samples repositories will be contributed by Oracle in the next week or two, depending on IP review.

All samples contributed by Oracle are using BSD/EDL license. We are planning to contribute more samples and this project looks like a good place for them. What are reasons behind choosing BSD Zero Clause? Why not go for BSD/EDL for consistency reasons? If we decide transferring Oracle samples to this project, can we use different license?