Eclipse Che 4.1.0

Che 4 introduce a new concept of portable developer workspaces, a brand new cloud IDE with advanced Java features.

The developer workspaces are built to be fully portable. The workspace are composed of their projects and their environments. The environments are Docker-based machines and Che manage the workspace lifecycle, both orchestrating project state and booting / suspending / imaging / stopping / workspace environments. Developer workspaces have the definition of commands which are processes injected into environments.

Che's cloud IDE has a new design and is providing support for more languages. The text editor is based on Orion. Java support is improved in this version with content assistant, multiple forms of refactoring, JavaDoc, quick fixes and class structure navigation. 


In the version 4.1.0, Che is adding:

  • Simplified installation from behind a secure proxy
  • Simpler UI for creating and managing maven projects
  • New project types for Java, C, C++ and Python
  • Changes to Che startup script to increase install speed
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release