Eclipse Deeplearning4j

The goal of Eclipse Deeplearning4j is to provide a core set of components for building applications that incorporate AI. AI products within an enterprise often have a wider scope than just machine learning. The overall goal of a distribution is to provide smart defaults for building deep learning applications.

We define a machine learning product lifecycle as:

  • Securely connecting to enterprise environments via Kerberos™ and other auth protocols with the purpose of:

    • Connecting to disparate data sources

    • Cleaning data

    • Using that data to build vectors that a neural network is capable of understanding

    • Building and tuning a neural network

    • Deploying to production via REST, Spark, or embedded environments such as Android™ phones or Raspberry Pi’s

Deeplearning4j can facilitate the process of building an application without relying on third-party providers for ETL libraries, tensor libraries, etc. Convention over configuration is key for scaling large software projects that will be maintained for long periods.

Most current projects in deep learning don't think about backwards compatibility with large enterprise applications, nor do they facilitate the building of applications. Instead, they optimize for flexibility and loose coupling (which is great for research). Deeplearning4j is the bridge between research in the lab and applications in the real world.

Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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