Eclipse Babel

Eclipse Babel is a set of tools to make the job of globalizing Eclipse projects easier. We also want to provide ways for people world wide, who are interested, to contribute translations in their language of choice.

The project includes tools and activities that are needed to adapt the Eclipse deliverables to properly run in multiple locales and to translate selected Eclipse projects into multiple different languages (French, Japanese, German, etc). The project could eventually include tools to aid in the following areas: Enablement testing (E.g. can the software run in different language environments and handle multiple scripts, etc.), translatability testing (is it ready for translation?), preparation for translation (preparation of resource bundles), Translation testing (Is the translation acceptable?), and more.

Industry Collaborations
Latest Releases

From 2023-03-01 to 2009-07-11

Name Date Review
0.20.0 2023-03-01
0.19.2 2021-12-18
0.19.1 2021-09-25
0.19.0 2021-06-30
0.18.3 2021-03-27
0.18.2 2020-12-26
0.18.1 2020-10-14
0.18.0 2020-07-15
0.17.1 2020-01-15
0.17.0 2019-07-13
0.16.1 2019-01-26
0.16.0 2018-08-15
0.15.1 2017-12-31
0.15.0 2017-08-19
0.14.1 2016-11-26
0.14.0 2016-08-15
0.13.1 2015-11-28
0.13.0 2015-08-04
0.12.1 2014-12-23
0.12.0 2014-06-23
0.11.1 2013-11-23
0.11.0 2013-07-24
0.10.1 2012-11-21
0.10.0 2012-07-25
0.9.1 2011-11-23
0.9.0 2011-07-28
0.8.1 2010-12-15
0.8.0 2010-08-15
0.7.1 2009-11-27
0.7.0 2009-07-11
Eclipse Public License 1.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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    Contribution Activity
    Commits on this project (last 12 months)