Election for Julian Honnen as Committer on Eclipse PDE

Role Type

I would like to nominate Julian as PDE committer. He is currently the second most active developer for PDE see https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.pde/who

His works seem to focus around performance and usability. For example via Bug 539990 he managed to increase PDE build by a factor of 7, from approx. 3:15 min to less than 30 seconds. https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=539990#c13 He also managed to fix Bug 539990, which are very annoying for PDE quickfix users and to fix the launch configuration plug-in selection see Bug 539990 and Bug 539990.

Here are his complete changes in PDE UI:

[512548] only parse AST for files with @Component annotation
4.10 version update for org.eclipse.pde.launching
Bug 533878 - restored org.eclipse.update.reconcile=false property
Bug 539990 - make problem marker creation incremental
Bug 538110 - suppress auto build for irrelevant MANIFEST.MF changes
Version 4.10 Manifest updates for pde.ds.ui and pde.runtime
Bug 519992 - Fix sonar issue: use Collection.isEmpty()
Bug 519992 - Fix sonar issue: use Collection.isEmpty()
Removed duplicate isEmpty() check
Bug 519992 - Fix sonar issue: use Collection.isEmpty()
Bug 538110 - suppress auto build for irrelevant MANIFEST.MF changes
Extracted duplicated validation logic
Bug 541068 - marked IModelProvider as scheduled for deletion
Bug 508145 - Removed useless Non-Javadoc statements
Bug 508145 - Removed useless Non-Javadoc statements
Bug 508145 - Removed useless Non-Javadoc statements
Bug 541514 - propagate checked only to visible children
Bug 441684 - Improved Plug-in tree in launch configuration
Bug 427971 - Search for missing type in target platform
Bug 541837 - removed description for target name
Bug 541296 - [Target editor] Moved Software Site to the top
Bug 542075 - Avoid concurrent initialize plugin models jobs
Bug 541310 - Removed old eclipse targets from plug-in wizards
Bug 541434 - use try-with-resources
Bug 541806 - Marked targetProvisioners extension point for deletion

He also contribute to platform.common:

Bug 541068 - Added removal note for IModelProvider
Bug 541806 - Added removal note for targetProvisioners extension point

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Lars Vogel +1 +1 implied by nomination
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Good to see some love for PDE!
Karsten Thoms +1 Thanks for helping PDE getting better!
Haero huic melior molior quidem sed suscipere. Et eu lenis refoveo validus. Acsi ibidem iusto jugis nimis pagus te. Facilisis fere quis saepius saluto secundum tamen. Causa conventio magna neo obruo quibus sino suscipere wisi. Caecus commodo eros exputo neo probo tation ut voco. Cogo et gemino imputo iustum nostrud sudo suscipit usitas ymo. Consequat dignissim exerci haero inhibeo neque qui quibus suscipere ymo. +1

PMC Approval

  • Lars Vogel (+1) Welcome!