Election for Boris Nenchovski as Committer on Eclipse Dirigible™

Role Type

Boris Nenchovski recently started contributing to the Eclipse Dirigible team and has already made an impact on the project.

They have addressed the following bugs:
- https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/pull/862
- https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/pull/856
- https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/pull/844
- https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/pull/811
- https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/pull/751

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate Boris Nenchovski as a committer on Eclipse Dirigible.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Nedelcho Delchev +1 +1 implied by nomination
Yordan Pavlov +1 Congrats!
Tsvetan Stoyanov +1 +1
Vladislav Katrankiev +1

PMC Approval

  • Martin Lippert (+1) Welcome!