This proposal has been approved and the Eclipse ADAAA (Adaptive Cruise Control Demo Application for Adaptive AUTOSAR) project has been created.
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Eclipse ADAAA (Adaptive Cruise Control Demo Application for Adaptive AUTOSAR)

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 05:59 by Erik Verhoeven
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

ZF is working with Adaptive AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture), a worldwide development partnership of vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, service providers and companies from the automotive electronics, semiconductor and software industry. For many years ZF has been member of the AUTOSAR consortium. ZF has established a solid base around the Adaptive AUTOSAR methodology. SW engineers new to the Adaptive AUTOSAR methodology are educated with dedicated SW examples that are bundled in the example project called ADAAA. This project has been proven to be very useful to provide inside information into the Adaptive AUTOSAR methodology and how Adaptive AUTOSAR being used.

ZF would like to contribute this example framework to help the automotive industry to explore the standard based on common grounds.


The Eclipse ADAAA project provides an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Demo Application for the Adaptive AUTOSAR standards.

The first version contains the following artifacts:

* Considered functional cluster list

* Documentation

* Integration architecture

* Test cases

* Example requirements

* Build setup


ADAAA is example application for Adaptive AUTOSAR with the following goals:

* Provide a tutorial with simple examples code base for getting involved with AUTOSAR methodology and each functional cluster

* Address one of the features available and known as a convenience function in modern cars: the Adaptive Cruise Control functionality

* Provide additional examples to illustrate the automotive how to put an AUTOSAR application into an automotive SW devlopment context with its specific processes

* Build AUTOSAR expertise on common basic example accross the community

* Use the community support to adapt to different Adaptve AUTOSAR providers and maintain it

Why Here?

Adaptive AUTOSAR is one of the building blocks for Software Defined Vehicle in the future. Adaptive AUTOSAR is a standard to operate current and future software in high-performance computing for Software Defined Vehicles (SDVs). An important contribution to acceptance of common standards is an efficient enablement of new people interested in using the standard. An example maintained by the community will greatly facilitate the common understanding on how to achieve the first steps.

Future Work

ZF will remain user and contributer to the standard and support at least one version of the Adaptive AUTOSAR stacks currently available on the market.

Initial Contribution

Vector based version of ADAAA.

- Source code

- Build routines

- Documentation

- Integration architecture

- Example requirements

- Summary illustrations

- Example test code

- ...

Source Repository Type