Election for Christoph Laeubrich as Committer on Eclipse PDE

Role Type

Christoph Laubrich recently started on the Eclipse PDE™ (Plugin Development Environment) team and has already made an impact on the project.
He has fixed addressed the following bugs:

On bugzilla
577184 [target] Allow references to other targets inside a target-file
578158 NPE at BundleLauncherHelper.addPlugin
577861 BundleContainerSelectionPage.createTargetLocationProvisionerNode must delegate more methods to the actual wizard
577927 Provide better error message in case target schema is not known
577929 NPE in org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.TargetWeaver.findRunningPlatformBundle(TargetWeaver.java:213)
576606 Feature.hasRequiredAttributes() should be protected
576568 org.eclipse.pde.core.target.TargetFeature should support a (protected) constructor without a file
576610 FeatureEditor should support display of non-file-based feature models
573557 [ds] use deterministic order in component descriptors
572520 Run As > JUnit Plugin Test fails if the test is in a source-folder marked as 'includes test sources'
568865 [target] add advanced editing capabilities for custom target platforms
On GitHub
APi tools should import package ASM instead of require bundle it #43

Apart from this, he is very active in reporting PDE bugs, giving feedback/reviewing in PDE PRs etc

It is my pleasure to nominate Christoph Laubrich as a committer on Eclipse PDE™ (Plugin Development Environment).

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Vikas Chandra +1 +1
Alexander Fedorov +1 Thank you for your effort to modernize PDE!
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Well deserved!
Karsten Thoms +1
Olivier Prouvost +1 You fixed a bug that saved my life ! :)

PMC Approval

  • Jay Arthanareeswaran (+1) Welcome Christoph!