Eclipse Sirius Sirius Desktop 7.1.0

Minor release with a mix of bug fixes and new features:

  • #580921 Displaying a SVG image breaks the main thread's context class loader
  • #580918 Unable to validate VSM with new utility variables declaration.
  • #580707 Migration issue with workspace images and collapse filter
  • #581274 Prevent bendpoint refresh if sequence diagram is locked or frozen
  • #581205 Contextual menu in outline is incomplete
  • #580924 Notification service broken after Reconnect tool, or DragNDrop tool, execution
  • #580786 Wrong direct edit behavior on tree item
  • #580673 Compare an aird with the Head version in Git displays unexpected differences because of migration participant
  • #581336 New behavior concerning expand/collapse all is OK but with performance problem
  • #581233 Make sure variable are properly when computing the BestStyle for Node and Edge
  • #581083 Exception on "Copy format" depending on selected elements
  • #580836 Adapt the code of delete actions to work with a DDiagramEditor embedded in a MultiPageEditor
  • #580691 Incomplete deletion of edge which is source/target of another edge
  • #580418 Add align and distribute actions to edge labels
  • #581251 Creating a NoteAtachment on the border of the diagram will induce a infinite loop
  • #581184 Move to Batik 1.16
  • #580766 It's not possible to select an existing EObject after a tool execution
  • #580590 Indirect edge deletion thows NPEs
  • #581286 Allow to change the external node label property when selecting the label
  • #580934 Add "expand all" and "collapse all" feature in tree editor
  • #580815 In Capella, editors are not closed when closing the session after a restart
  • #549352 Unfold an item of a tree doesn't work with the arrow of the keyboard
  • #581115 Add a new mode to paste layout of elements: "Bounding box" mode
  • #580524 Improve the retrieval of all dependencies
  • #581429 Show Paste actions in the tabbar when one or several elements are selected in a diagram, and show Copy action in the tabbar when diagram is selected
  • #581232 Launch only one Paste command by group of brothers during Paste Format/Layout/Style action
  • #580686 Update DrepresentationDescriptor.changeId update strategy
  • #581419 PropertiesView] Allow Undo and Redo Actions from Properties view
  • #581247 Properties view] Allow to get all selected elements from the input SiriusInputDescriptor

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Release Date
Release Type
Minor release