Eclipse GMF Runtime

The Eclipse GMF Runtime is an industry proven application framework for creating graphical editors using Eclipse EMF and Eclipse GEF.

The GMF Runtime provides many features that one would have to code by hand if using EMF and GMF directly.

  • A set of reusable components for graphical editors, such as printing, image export, actions and toolbars and much more.
  • A standardized model to describe diagram elements, which separates between the semantic (domain) and notation (diagram) elements.
  • A command infrastructure that bridges the different command frameworks used by EMF and GEF.
  • An extensible framework that allows graphical editors to be open and extendible.


Industry Collaborations
Latest Releases

From 2025-02-24 to

Name Date Review
1.16.6 2025-02-24
1.16.5 2024-10-24
1.16.4 2024-05-24
1.16.3 2024-03-01
1.15.5 2023-12-18
1.15.4 2023-12-02
1.16.2 2023-11-23
1.16.1 2023-09-05
1.16.0 2023-06-07
1.15.3 2022-11-03
1.15.2 2022-08-27
1.15.1 2022-08-15
1.15.0 2022-06-18
1.14.2 2022-04-13
1.14.1 2022-02-15
1.14.0 2021-07-12
1.13.1 2021-06-22
1.13.0 2020-04-17
1.12.2 2019-12-01
1.12.1 2019-06-19
1.12.0 2018-06-27
1.11.0 2017-06-28
1.10.1 2017-03-31
1.10.0 2016-06-22
1.9.0 2015-06-25
1.8.0 2014-06-25
1.7.0 2013-06-26
1.6.0 2012-06-24
1.5.0 2011-06-24
1.4.2 2011-02-24
1.4.1 2010-09-24
1.4.0 2010-06-23
1.3.2 2010-02-26
1.3.1 2009-09-25
1.3.0 2009-06-24
1.2.3 2009-02-18
1.2.2 2008-09-17
1.2.1 2008-08-15
1.2.0 2008-06-12
1.1.2 2008-02-25
1.1.1 2007-09-28
1.1.0 2007-06-21
1.0.3 2007-02-09
1.0.2 2006-10-27
1.0.1 2006-09-26
1.0.0 2006-06-27
Eclipse Public License 1.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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