LocationTech GeoMesa 4.0.0



GeoMesa 4.0.0 is mainly focused on upgrading dependencies and removing deprecated functionality. GeoMesa tends to be conservative with dependency upgrades, to promote stability. However, that has caused a long list of CVEs to acrue, which we have now mitigated as much as possible. GeoMesa has also added support for Java 11 and 17. These upgrades necessitated a major version bump in accordance with semantic versioning.

Security Issues

This release updates many dependency versions to resolve CVEs against those dependencies.

Non-Code Aspects

User documentation and tutorials have been updated for this release. Older documentation and tutorials are archived and still available from the geomesa.org website.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
End of Life

Support has been removed for Bigtable, Kudu, and Camel streaming. The GeoJSON REST service and other web servlet functionality has been removed.


GeoMesa continues to support OGC standard services though GeoTools and GeoServer.


GeoMesa continues to see community engagement on Gitter, Stack Overflow, and the mailing list.