Election for Jörg Kubitz as Committer on Eclipse PDE

Role Type

I would like to nominate Jörg as PDE committer. Jörg is currently the third most active person in PDE, currently providing useful cleanups in the code base.

See https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.pde/who for his position as PDE contributor.

Here is a list of his contributions:

Jörg Kubitz (18):
Bug 572273 - [performance] use InputStream.readAllBytes
Initialize PDEPluginImages in SWT thread. fixes #81
PDEPluginImages: fix NullPointerException #297
update org.eclipse.pde.ui version
fix fRemoteServiceProxyImage not disposed #244
Avoid NPE if JRE is missing #341 (#342)
PDEPluginImages: fix NullPointerException #297
fix NPE in RequiresSection #190
use try-with-resource
version bump org.eclipse.pde.core
version bump org.eclipse.pde.api.tools
version bump org.eclipse.pde.ui
Use typed for-each loop
Use try-with-resource
fix org.eclipse.pde.api.tools.internal.comparator.Delta.hashCode()
Add missing "static" modifier for constants (#610)
Use short-circuit logic (#607)
BundlePluginBase: fix wrong loop

Jörg is already a platform committer. According to the rules of the Eclipse top level project considering the contributions in other top-level Eclipse projects is fine and Jörg is a very active committer in platform and contributor in JDT, PDE and Equinox.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Lars Vogel +1 +1 implied by nomination
Christoph Laeubrich +1
Gireesh Punathil +1 Congratulations Jörg, and good luck!
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Welcome!
Vikas Chandra +1 Welcome !
Alexander Fedorov +1
Hannes Wellmann +1 Welcome and thanks for your work!
Noopur Gupta +1 Welcome!

PMC Approval

  • Lars Vogel (+1) Welcome!