Eclipse EATOP is an infrastructure platform implementation of common base functionality for design tools that enable an effective usage of the architecture description language EAST-ADL in software and systems development.
It includes the following capabilities:
Eclipse EMF based access to the EAST-ADL meta-model
- Tools to generate an XML schema and an Ecore meta-model from the Enterprise Architect sources of the EAST-ADL releases published by the EAST-ADL association.
- EMF-based meta-model implementations of several EAST-ADL releases that provide EAST-ADL design tool developers with Java APIs for manipulating EAST-ADL model instances. EATOP contains for each supported EAST-ADL release the required meta-model implementation. The first supported EAST-ADL releases is the version 2.1.10.
File based as well as database persistency management
- EATOP provides in combination with Sphinx the functionality to serialize and deserialize the instances of the EAST-ADL meta-model within an EAXML file. The EAXML file is kind of a xml file which contains the serialized form of the EAST-ADL meta-model instances. Its content is conform to the xml schema of the corresponding EAST-ADL release.
- Database persistence of EAST-ADL models.
- Management of EAST-ADL models spread over one or multiple XML files in the Eclipse workspace.
Basic Eclipse user interface support
- A wizard for creation of an EAST-ADL project
- A wizard for creation of an EAST-ADL file (.eaxml)
- An EAST-ADL release preference page
- A property page for EAST-ADL projects
- An EATOP perspective
- An EATOP explorer view which shows only EAST-ADL content and the instances of the EAST-ADL objects in an EAST-ADL file
- A property tab which shows the properties of EAST-ADL object instances and allows to modify them
- Undo/Redo functionality
- Drag and drop functionality between EAST-ADL content
To enable a seamless workflow in a development process, interoperability and interfacing with other tools and platforms will be provided
- Bridges between EATOP and Papyrus and synchronization of EMF-based EAST-ADL APIs with UML2 profile based EAST-ADL implementations created with Papyrus.
- Interface to requirements engineering tools (via ReqIF, see Eclipse/RMF),
- Interface to software modeling tools (e.g., via AUTOSAR)
- Interface to other model-based design tools (e.g. Matlab/Simulink)
- Interoperability with domain independent abstractions of EAST-ADL like the CESAR reference technology platform (, the MBAT reference technology platform (, or PolarSys solution.
Further miscellaneous features will ease the handling of EAST-ADL. Examples are
- Model to model transformation between the different abstraction layers within the EAST-ADL meta-model.
- Variability management supporting both the definition of variant-rich EAST-ADL models as well as creation of fully/partly configured occurrences of these models representing individual variants or variant subsets.
- A standalone application that can be used to conveniently explore EATOP without an existing Eclipse installation. It demonstrates the features and capabilities of EATOP.
- Experimental (graphical, form based, ...) editors to create and visualize EAST-ADL based models.
The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.
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