Eclipse Temurin®


The scope of the Eclipse Temurin® project is to provide code and processes that support the building of runtime binaries that are high performance, enterprise-caliber, cross-platform, open-source licensed, and Java SE TCK-tested for general use across the Java ecosystem.

The project will implement and manage artifacts including infrastructure as code, and a comprehensive continuous integration (CI) build and test farm in conjunction with other projects under the Adoptium top-level project.

Participants in the project are responsible for developing, managing, promoting, and supporting technologies that:

  • Define the content of the runtime and development kit releases.
  • Manage full life-cycle releases of the binaries.
  • Develop build-scripts, installers, application programming interface (API), website, and infrastructure for runtime distribution.
  • Define the CI system pipelines and manage the CI system for security, efficiency, and purpose.
  • Respond to end-users and provide support as appropriate.
  • Be the principal technical interface to upstream technology projects.
  • Orchestrate the official distributions of the project releases, including website, archives, Docker, and others.
  • Provide usage stats to support the top-level project's marketing and buzz objectives.

In addition to providing a reliable source of contemporary Java runtime binaries, the Temurin project is a platform for experimentation by developers, academics, and researchers.

This project provides a place to try out new runtime, build, test, and infrastructure ideas. Examples of projects that fall under this scope include “” for serving right-sized runtimes to application developers, “Github actions” to obtain and test applications with runtimes within Github’s workflow, “TKG” the test-kit generation framework, and “Bumblebench” the micro benchmarking framework.

Name Date
2021.07.20 2021-07-20
2021.07.07 2021-07-07
Name Date
2025.04 Progress Review 2025-04-05
2024.04 Progress Review 2024-04-03
Graduation Review 2021-12-15
2021.07.07 Release Review 2021-07-07
Creation Review 2021-02-08