Eclipse Connected Services Platform

The  Eclipse CSP provides following layers and components:

  • Offboard Platform Layer 
    • Data Collection and Processing: Enables gathering and processing vehicle data.
      • GDPR Compliance: The Eclipse CSP ensures compliance with GDPR standards throughout data storage and processing. 
      • Data Acquisition: Vehicles (using a vehicle client) transmit data using a lightweight MQTT protocol, minimizing data overhead and optimizing bandwidth usage. 
      • Data Processing: Kafka streams handle data processing, guaranteeing high throughput, reliable connectivity, and exchanges between vehicles and platform. 
  • Reference Application:
    •  Remote Operations Application for vehicles to control door, Window, lights, Horn, Alarm, trunk, and  demonstrate how new services can be written using the code platform layer. 
  • Vehicle Profile and Device Management: Manages vehicle profiles and connected devices.
  • Setting and Configuration Management: Allows settings and configuration to be deployed and applied to a vehicle. 
  • User and Identity Management: Secure user access and authentication.
  • Notification Center: Facilitates sending and receiving notifications over push notifications to Mobile Apps, Email , SMS, and HTTPS push.  
  • Device Management Orchestrator: Orchestrates device management tasks.
  • Notification & Campaign Management: Enables managing notification campaigns.
  • Onboard Client:
    • Vehicle Client: A C++ Client, ready to be deployed on TCUs/ECUs/IVI to validate the RO application use case. 
  • Vehicle Simulator/Test Application
  • A Linux-based vehicle simulator capable of simulating vehicle messages or receiving and responding to messages from a Cloud application. This is provided for testing and development purposes.
  • Observability 
    • For enhanced monitoring and troubleshooting, SCP is integrated with observability tools like Graylog and Prometheus. 
  • Mobile Application:
    • Reference Mobile Application (iOS/Android): Provides a reference application enabling vehicle users to visualize platform capabilities.
  • Single-Click CD : Instructions & framework that shall enable single click deployment for Platform on AWS. The framework uses Kubernetes and ArgoCD for automated and scalable deployment of containerized applications/services.  

This open-source platform is designed to support connected car deployments of up to 100,000 vehicles, while the opensource offering utilizes a community version of open-source software currently like HiveMQ, Zookeeper Kafka, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, the system is inherently scalable for millions of devices in enterprise deployments. 

Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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