Eclipse Connected Services Platform


The Eclipse Connected Services Platform (ECSP) provides a core platform to serve as the foundation for developing connected car systems. It empowers the community and OEMs to create innovative connected services applications. The Eclipse CSP provides functionalities for data management, vehicle management (profiles, devices, settings), user access control, notification channels, vehicle client, and integration with various open-source software. 

Built on a microservices architecture, the Eclipse CSP enables modular development and deployment.

In addition to the core Eclipse CSP platform, the offering includes a reference application (Remote Operations) on the Cloud, a vehicle client for embedded devices (IVI/ECU/TCU) on vehicles, and a reference mobile application (iOS/Android). These components demonstrate the process of building new automotive services on this platform. By leveraging the data collected from the vehicles, the Eclipse CSP aims to foster a community that creates novel applications and services. 

This platform is designed for scalability to connect large vehicle fleets with single-click deployment scripts that streamline setup and validation.   

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