Eclipse Leda 0.1.0

The project team has been working for many months on the Eclipse Leda quickstart images and the user community is looking forward to a first release.

The state of the project's source code is stable enough to justify a first release.

It will contain the core components for developing and deploying Vehicle Apps based on the concepts from Eclipse Velocitas and Eclipse Kuksa. Vehicle Functions can easily be deployed on Eclipse Leda quickstart images as containerized applications, following the beforementioned concepts.

The first use cases, such as Seat Adjuster or Dog Mode, are already documented on the website and corresponding tutorials are available for users to follow up on them. User will be able to run these demo applications on desktop machines in a virtualized environment, or on low-cost consumer-grade hardware devices such as a Raspberry Pi. This will foster the interest of new users to the software-defined vehicle ecosystem.

As part of the release cycle, the project team will take collaboration efforts together with the Eclipse Oniro IP Compliance Toolchain team, to integrate and reuse the compliance scanning and auditing process for system images. Both projects (Leda and Oniro) are benifitting from this new process and can leverage synergies.


Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
0.1.0-M1 2023/04/10 Major feature freeze, bugfixing allowed. First integration with Oniro IP Compliance toolchain.
0.1.0-M2 2023/05/01 Code freeze