Eclipse openDuT


Eclipse openDuT provides an Open framework to automate the testing and validation process for automotive software and applications.

Eclipse openDuT developed as FOSS, to be transparent, open and trustworthy. It covers different test and validation domains. Most notable domains are security testing (penetration and fuzz testing), requirement testing, and smoke testing.

Eclipse openDuT considers an eventually distributed network of real (HIL) and virtual devices (SIL) under test. The actual devices under test are considered gray boxes, i.e., tests focusing on device-internal artefacts (e.g., software code or configuration) will not be in scope. Regarding the communication protocols, Eclipse openDuT puts its focus on the automotive protocols and considers external interfaces, protocols, components like WiFi, BLE, Charging Station and Mobile-Apps as relevant.

Eclipse openDuT reflects hardware capabilities and constraints along with the chosen test method (possibly in a predefined language – existing approaches will be evaluated). Test cases are not limited to a specific domain, but it especially realizes functional and explorative security tests. An example can be the execution of a functional test case where the correct update of a cryptographic key within an ECU, equipped with a security module, in context of Secure Onboard Communication is being verified.

Eclipse openDuT is hardware-agnostic with respect to the execution environment and accompanies different hardware interfaces and standards regarding the usability of the framework. Thereby, it is supporting both on-premise installations and hosting in a cloud infrastructure. Our framework shall be open to proprietary software (e.g., well-known tool chains and V&V tools) via tool-agnostic standardized interfaces and other established automotive architectures and standards (e.g. AUTOSAR). Eclipse openDuT aims on an OSS solution for automated testing and not on bridging different tool chains. One working stream within this project will deal with the comparison and interoperability with already existing OSS automotive V&V solutions to assure a broad acceptance by its users.

Name Date
Name Date
Creation Review 2023-09-20