Eclipse p3com


Eclipse P3COM develops an SDV middleware component enabling to fully leverage platform-specific interfaces and achieve maximum throughput and minimal latency through a convenient and modern high-level API while exploiting full HW capabilities.

The Eclipse P3COM project doesn’t aim to implement a new middleware library. Rather, it is implemented as an extension of the Eclipse iceoryx project, in the form of a new "gateway" application which serves to forward (or mirror) the shared-memory communication (on a single processor) over a particular set of transport layers (such as PCIe or UDP) to other processors and the Eclipse iceoryx applications running there. In other words, the gateway transparently simulates that all applications using Eclipse iceoryx on different processors see each other as if they were on a single processor.

It aims to have a modular "transport layer" architecture to allow an easy addition of different technologies, since they would typically be platform- and vendor-specific. Besides the generic, transport independent gateway, the scope includes vendor-specific PCIe and "inter-core-cluster shared memory" transport layers as well as transports for standard network protocols (UDP and TCP).

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Name Date
Creation Review 2023-02-09