Election for ChenYing Kuo as Committer on Eclipse uProtocol

Role Type

ChenYing Kuo has made an impact on the project.

CY has developed from the ground up https://github.com/eclipse-uprotocol/up-client-zenoh-rust project, wrote up the zenoh specification for uProtocol, supports and helps out with up-rust project, attends and contributes at the weekly uProtocol meetings, and assists the other language implementations of uProtocol-zenoh.

It is my pleasure to nominate ChenYing Kuo as a committer on Eclipse uProtocol.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Steven Hartley +1 +1 implied by nomination
Neelam Kushwah +1
Tamara Fischer +1 CY has developed from the ground up https://github.com/eclipse-uprotocol/up-client-zenoh-rust project, wrote up the zenoh specification for uProtocol, supports and helps out with up-rust project, attends and contributes at the weekly uProtocol meetings, and assists the other language implementations of uProtocol-zenoh. He's been very active in meetings and contributed the up-client-zenoh-rust implementation and an all-around pleasure to work with.

PMC Approval

  • Lukas Krawczyk (+1) Welcome!