IoT and Edge

Technology that supports wired or wireless communication between machines.

Eclipse 4diac

Eclipse 4diac™ has been started 2007 as an open source project fostering the further development of IEC 61499 for its use in distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCS) and

Eclipse Mita

Eclipse Mita is a programming language for the embedded IoT. We combine a declarative setup of system resources (e.g. Bluetooth connectivity or a temperature sensor) with a modern imperative language

Eclipse OneOFour

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 standard is used for communication between SCADA systems and the subset IEC 60870-5-104 is specifying network access over TCP connections.

Eclipse Communications Framework

Eclipse ECF provides frameworks for messaging and communications. We fully implement the OSGi Remote Services (RS) and Remote Service Admin (RSA) specifications.

Eclipse Keypop®

The Eclipse Keypop open source interfaces are available in Java and C++, designed on the same mutual Object-Oriented Model. The 'Reader API' is a high-level interface used by terminal applications to

Eclipse hawkBit

Project hawkBit aims to create a domain independent back end solution for rolling out software updates to constrained edge devices as well as more powerful controllers and gateways connected to IP

Eclipse Keyple®

Eclipse Keyple® is an open source middleware to facilitate the implementation of terminal processing operating smart card readers, and to defined advanced secure ticketing transaction. Keyple

Eclipse uProtocol

Eclipse uProtocol provides a transport agnostic, layered communication protocol that is deployment, OS, and device (vehicle, cloud, mobile phone, charging station, etc...) agnostic, leveraging well

Eclipse Edje

The edge devices connected to the Cloud that constitute the Internet of Things (IoT) require support for building blocks, standards and frameworks like those provided by the Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Ponte

Ponte provides reusable solutions for bridging M2M protocols.

Eclipse Tiaki

The Tiaki library provides Secure Service Discovery features in a command-line interface and SDK for Java (C coming soon - stay tuned!). In a nutshell, those are the available functionalities: list

Eclipse tinydtls

tinydtls is a library for Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) covering both the client and the server state machine. It is implemented in C and provides support for the mandatory cipher suites

Eclipse Streamsheets™

With Eclipse Streamsheets™ the everyday technical or business end user can create stream processing applications just by using their existing spreadsheet knowledge (e.g. from Microsoft Excel or Google

Eclipse Kapua™

Eclipse Kapua™ is a modular integration platform for IoT devices and smart sensors that aims at bridging Operation Technology with Information Technology The following diagram provides a functional

Eclipse BaSyx

Eclipse BaSyx™ implements an open-source Industry 4.0 middleware based on the Asset Administration Shell that enables the shopfloor digitization. We provide mandatory Industry 4.0 software components

Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools)

The Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools, formerly GNU MCU/ARM Eclipse) plug-ins allow to create, build, debug and in general to manage Arm & RISC-V projects (executables and static/shared

Eclipse Amlen

The main webpage for Eclipse Amlen™ is: The main component of Amlen is the server - a message broker that supports the latest MQTT v5 protocol designed for IoT (as well

Eclipse Tahu™

Eclipse Tahu™ is a set of references implementations for the Sparkplug specification. It addresses the existence of legacy SCADA/DCS/ICS protocols and infrastructures and provides a much-needed

Eclipse Ditto

Eclipse Ditto™ is a framework for providing the "Digital Twin" pattern for IoT applications in order to interact with IoT devices. That means that Ditto mirrors physical devices as digital

Eclipse Californium (Cf) CoAP Framework

Eclipse Californium™ (Cf) is an open source implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). It is written in Java and targets unconstrained environments such as back-end service infrastructures (e.g., proxies, resource directories, or cloud services) and less constrained environments such as embedded devices running Linux (e.g., smart home/factory controllers or cellular gateways).