Election for Samantha Dawley as Committer on Eclipse Che

Role Type

Samantha Dawley recently started as a full time employee at Red Hat, contributing to the Eclipse Che team.

Since July 2022, she has already made an impact on the project.

She has addressed the following bugs:

- https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21814
- https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21763
- https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21790
- https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21575
- https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21363
- https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-3136

She has also contributed to the following Eclipse Che projects:

- che-dashboard
- che-devfile-registry
- che-docs
- che-machine-exec
- che-operator
- che-plugin-registry
- che-release
- che-server
- che-workspace-client
- chectl

It is my pleasure to nominate sdawley as a committer on Eclipse Che™.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Nick Boldt +1 +1 implied by nomination
Dmytro Nochevnov +1
Mario Loriedo +1
Roman Nikitenko +1
Anatolii Bazko +1 +1
Max Leonov +1
Ilya Buziuk +1 welcome aboard
Valeriy Svydenko +1
Artem Zatsarynnyi +1

PMC Approval

  • Martin Lippert (+1) Welcome!