Eclipse CANought


Eclipse CANought provides extensions to the Eclipse Kanto project focused on automotive market segment capabilities by standardizing and securing CAN communications. Eclipse CANought contributes the J1939 and UDS translator services to Eclipse Kanto and thus meets the automotive industry specific needs for CAN communications and security.


  1. CAN Security Manager: manages CAN access and bandwidth allocation for balancing utilization across multiple applications
  2. MQTT APIs for J1939 and UDS communication in a well-documented format using the AsyncAPI specification
  3. Boilerplate Docker files, such as
    1. A Dockerfile for a Visual Studio Code Dev Container
    2. A Dockerfile for google unit tests, MQTT interface tests and static code analysis
    3. A Dockerfile for building the final application
    4. A Docker Compose file for running the application
  4. Boilerplate C++ code and helper files for a) The J1939 and UDS client application and b) The J1939 and UDS Translator service such as
    1. CMake files
    2. Application initialization code
    3. Functions/methods for J1939 and UDS MQTT API Calls
    4. Functions/methods for J1939 and UDS Message Handlers
  5. A J1939 and UDS Translator Validator for validating that a given implementation of the J1939 and UDS Translator MQTT APIs are implemented correctly
  6. Possibly, code generators, to automatically generate the boilerplate C++ code or Rust code for both the Translator client and the Translator server


  1. An implementation of the J1939 and UDS libraries themselves is out-of-scope. The J1939 license does not permit open source implementations of the J1939 specifications or stack.
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