Election for Gianluca Barbon as Committer on Eclipse Kapua™

Role Type

Gianluca has been a long time contributor to the project and it has submitted many important security and authentication features.

Most notably he worked a lot on the Single Sign On (SSO), improving and extending out first and basic implementation.
Some of it works has been introduced through a CQ due to the big impact on the code [1][2].
And many others changes to fix and improve the SSO support that our projects provides [3].

Another big contribution has been the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) support in the Web Administration Console [4].
This work was carried out from scratch, integrating from the ground of the authentication and authorization services, continuing with the UI changes required.
Similar to the work carried over with the SSO, Gianluca is still improving the MFA support and working also integrating our feedback. [5]

The list goes on with other feautures:
- Service Cache support [6]
- Open API definitions [7]

And minor fixes ad improvements around the code:
- Job Step Definition Examples feature [8]

So, looking at his grown experience of the Eclipse Kapua project and time and effort dedicated to it, we would like to have him joining the project as committer.

[1] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/2754
[2] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/2783
[3] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pulls?q=sso+is%3Aclosed+is%3Apr+author…
[4] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/3090
[5] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pulls?q=mfa+is%3Aclosed+is%3Apr+author…
[6] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/2892
[7] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/2784
[8] https://github.com/eclipse/kapua/pull/2609

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Alberto Codutti +1 +1 implied by nomination
Claudio Mezzasalma +1
Riccardo Modanese +1
Marco Carrer +1 Congratulations Gianluca.
Elbert Evangelista +1

PMC Approval

  • Ian Craggs (+1) Welcome Gianluca!