Eclipse Mita 0.1.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




This is the initial release of Eclipse Mita. Mita is a new programming language for IoT devices that targets developers who are new to embedded software development, specifically those who come from a cloud background. As a developer Mita feels like a modern programming language (in the vein of TypeScript), but translates to C code which compiles to native code running directly on the embedded hardware. Combining declarative configuration and powerful language features with code generation enables projects to scale their deployment over quantity - from the first prototype to shipping thousands of devices.

This release serves as a foundation for the future. With a big upcoming change, a complete rewrite of the typesystem, this is the last stable point for a while.

However Mita right now is pretty matured: there is a huge platform implemented, the XDK 110, as well as two smaller platforms that serve as a starting point for platform integrators.

For this purpose different documentation exists, such as a contribution guide and a platform integrators guide to help newcomers.

All the while this is a preview version and far from a 1.0 release, pertaining to the upcoming type system overhaul, improvements to the event system and a way to configure a more detailed life cycle for components.

Architectural Issues

Architecturewise this release is the foundation for upcoming releases. As such there are some unpaid technical depts from when the project started. One of these is Statechart Tool's event system, which, while quite correct, is not feature complete enough for our purposes and language needs.

Furthermore there are some unimplemented features:

  • The event system is quite simple for now, however an improved draft exists
  • The lifecycle of components is as simple as possible: they all start and end with the device itself
  • There's a limit to how deep generated types (like arrays) can be nested. This is due to a limitation in the current API design.
Security Issues

There are no known security issues at the time of writing.

Non-Code Aspects

Eclipse Mita has the following guides and resources available:

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Our language editors are based on Xtext which provides syntax highlighting and well implemented support for auto complete, validation and so on.

End of Life

Since this is the first release of Mita there are no deprecated or removed features.


Not applicable


Since the start of the project we have had increasing interest and interaction with end users in the form of bug reports and feature requests and some external contributions by pull requests.

We have an implementation for communicating with Eclipse Hono.

Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions has shipped Mita in three iterations of its XDK Workbench for their freely programmable IoT device "Cross Domain Development Kit" (XDK) so far and continues to support and use it.