GeoMesa 3.1.0 is a minor release with a few new features, mainly around improved schema management and integration with NiFi record-based processing.
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
There has been no work on security issues related to this release, aside from updating dependency versions for various libraries.
Documentation has been updated and hosted on geomesa.org. Older documentation is still available corresponding to released versions. Tutorials and examples have been updated on github. Older versions are still available as git tags.
Not applicable (project doesn't provide UI)
GeoMesa continues to support OGC standards through the use of GeoTools and GeoServer.
GeoMesa has established a robust forum for users and adopters on Gitter (https://gitter.im/locationtech/geomesa), where discussions take place most days. GeoMesa continues to maintain a developers (https://locationtech.org/mhonarc/lists/geomesa-dev/) and users (https://locationtech.org/mhonarc/lists/geomesa-users/) mailing list.
GeoMesa is also active on StackOverflow and StackExchange, responding to all relevant questions that are tagged.