LocationTech GeoMesa 3.5.0



Some notable features in this release are:

  • Support for reading and writing to Kafka Streams
  • Support for writing to Confluent Schema Registry Kafka topics
  • Support for Zookeeper-less Kafka installs
  • Various improvements and fixes for merged view stores
  • Various improvements and fixes for partitioned PostGIS tables
  • Removal of log4j as a dependency
Security Issues

Log4j has been removed as as project dependency, to mitigate various CVEs.

Non-Code Aspects

User documentation has been updated and will be published alongside the release. Additional tutorials have been written for Kafka Streams integration. Existing artifacts and documentation are still available through Maven and the project website.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
End of Life

No new deprecatations in this release.


GeoMesa continues to support OGC standard services though GeoTools and GeoServer.


GeoMesa is adding a new committer, Austin Heyne, who is a long-time contributor. GeoMesa continues to see community engagement on Gitter, Stack Overflow, and the mailing list. Jim Hughes and Austin Heyne also recently presented a talk about GeoMesa at ApacheCon 2022. The GeoMesa community also started a new project (not under Eclipse goverance) that provides a SQL interface to GeoMesa through Apache Calcite.