Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge 0.3.0

Release Date

The built artefacts of the project comprise:

  • A runtime feature that includes:
    • A versatile diff/merge engine which is applicable to arbitrary sets of model elements.
    • Default GUI components for representing and merging differences.
    • An extension of the two to GMF models.
  • A source feature that covers the same content as the runtime.

This project takes profit of the incubation phase in order to improve its API.

API has been broken wrt. the previous release on:

  • Diff policies
  • The UI extension point

For more details, see

In addition, UI components have been refactored which has an impact on UI customizations.


All user-level strings have been subject to the Eclipse string externalization mechanism.

Target Environments

The code has been tested on Java 1.5 to 1.7 on Windows XP and 7, 32 and 64 bits, on Eclipse Helios to Luna.


Bug fixes

A number of non-critical bugs have been identified and fixed.


The APIs have been extended so as to cover a wider range of use cases.

Extendability / customization

The UI part has been refactored so as to be more easily extended and customized.
This release is part of Luna