Eclipse Generation Factories (EGF) 1.1.0



EGF release for Kepler.

The functional scope EGF 1.1.0 is close to EGF 1.0.0. EGF Core has not evolved. EGF is still released with two portfolios (i.e., the Enhancement of the EMF Generation and Build EGF Portofolio) and default language tasks (i.e., Ant, Acceleo, ATL, Jet). Other language taks (i.e., Acceleo 2, Jython, JRuby) can be downloaded from EGF EclipseLabs.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

The general architecture of EGF is: 1) the EGF Engine extended by Engine Extensions, 2) extended by a set of generation portfolios. The "development & reuse process" here displays how portfolios can be iteratively combined to create new factories and extensions. The "example of EGF Factory" here shows a factory component which combines invocations of heterogeneous languages (e.g., Java, Ant, Jython), tools (e.g., Jet, ATL), and factory component.

Security Issues

No security issue identified.

Non-Code Aspects

EGF is built with Buckminster and Hudson. EGF build reference. The EGF build is developed with the EGF Build Portfolio.

The complete EGF documentation is available from the EGF Wiki page:

Usability Details

EGF intends to conform to the User Interface Guidelines.

End of Life

No EGF component is deprecated so far.


EGF does not implement any standard.


EGF was presented at different conferences during 2011-2012 (EclipseDay Paris 2011, Modeling Symposium US, Neptune 2012). Statistics: about 1,800 downloads / month for EGF with Juno. IWG: EGF will be part of the Polarsys IDE Package 1.0.0. EGF provides two generation portfolios in order to examplify how develop one's portfolio. Tutorials are available on the EGF Wiki. An EGF EclipseLabs project was created for external contributions.

This release is part of Kepler