Eclipse Graphiti

You are highly welcome to contribute to the Eclipse Graphiti™ codebase providing fixed, enhancements, examples, doumentation or whatever you would find useful in the framework. Or more details on how to contribute, please have a look at

Graphiti uses Maven as build technology. There are Jenkins jobs on an Eclipse Jenkins as a service instance that will whenever a Gerrit change is pushed or a change is merged to master trigger an automated build and test run. It is also possible to use the nightly build job to produce a milestone or release version of Graphiti.

Besides it is also possible to run a local build of Graphiti by locally cloning the Git repository, cd-ing into the "parent" folder of the local repository and running "mvn clean install" locally.
Gitlab Project Group

You can use the code from these repositories to experiment, test, build, create patches, issue pull requests, etc.

eclipse/graphiti - Project group hosted on The Eclipse Foundation's GitLab instance.

Build Technologies
Build Links Build Status
Gerrit Voter Build Job
Nightly Build