Eclipse Graphiti 0.7.0

Release Date

The release deliverables consist of the following items:

  • Graphiti runtime binary distribution (ZIP file download and update site).
  • Graphiti SDK (includes runtime, sources, examples and documentation) (ZIP file download and update site).
  • Graphiti tests (no Z download, executed in central Hudson build)

0.7.0 will be the first release of Graphiti, so this section is not relevant for this release. The Eclipse Graphiti version will be incompatible with the SAP-internal predecessor versions.


The Graphiti framework only has a limited number of UI strings and dialogs, all texts currently come in English only. For the 0.7.0 release no further language packs will be offered. Large parts of the Graphiti framework and examples already uses Java resource bundles for storing texts, but there are still some hard-coded text strings inside the coding. To provide full internationalisation is one of the goals for the next release of Graphiti.

Target Environments

In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments. The Graphiti project depends upon on the Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java. The 0.7.0 release of the Graphiti Project is written and compiled against version 1.6 of the Java Platform APIs, and targeted to run on version 1.6 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Graphiti will be tested and validated against a subset of those listed for the platform.


Availability for the Eclipse community

Make the Graphiti framework, examples and documentation available to the Eclipse community for usage for building graphical editors.


Clean-up and remove SAP legacy coding

The Graphiti framework was developed starting from a graphical framework integrated into a MOF-based modeling infrastructure created inside SAP. The coding contained large parts that referred to this infrastructure. Also some additional architectural and conceptual clean-up was done to remove things that are no longer relevant, but were kept alive in the SAP-internal version for compatibility reasons.
