Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework™ 0.11.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




RMF is a framework for working with textual requirements, structured as ReqIF models, the industry standard for exchanging requirements. RMF uses natively ReqIF, the open standard for requirements exchange, allowing you to exchange requirements with many industry applications like Rational DOORS® or PTC integrity®.

RMF consists of

  • RMF Core which provides an implementation of the ReqIF meta model and the ReqIF specific XML serialization rules. The RMF Core doesn't require an Eclipse Runtime and thus is easy to integrate into plain Java applications.
  • RMF ProR is a GUI that allows comfortable working with Requirements. It opens ReqIF files with a click, allowing you to immediately inspect and edit files.

The 0.11.0 release adds the following features

  • search and replace
  • Import of CSV files
  • Extrinsic ID handling

    (avoids creation of duplicate IDs in case of copy and paste)
  • support for "Conversation ID" tool extension

Additionally, several bugs in the ProR UI are fixed (see list of issues).


Architectural Issues

The XML serialization code that is responsible for loading and saving ReqIF files is reimplemented in a more general and reusable manner in the context of the Eclipse Sphinx project. It is planned to replace the current RMF implementation by the Sphinx implementation in the next release (0.12.0).

Security Issues


Non-Code Aspects


Usability Details

The usability is improved by fixing several small issues in the UI and by adding the feature "search and replace".

End of Life

The code for supporting the RIF format is removed from the RMF repository. 

The RMF project no longer provides Eclipse products with preinstalled RMF.

The user can easily install the RMF plugins into their own Eclipse environment via the provided update sites.


Added support for handling the Conversation ID tool extension that is specified by the Prostep Implementor Forum.


The project is getting support from additional contributors

Hussein Mhanna was elected by the Committers and approved by the PMC as a Committer on the modeling.mdt.rmf project