Eclipse Oniro Blueprints


Eclipse Oniro Blueprints will integrate Oniro reference hardware with additional software and custom applications in order to provide a thoroughly tested "book of recipes" and documentation to build various IoT devices.

These blueprints can be used by any device maker as the basis to start customizing their own device software on top of Oniro. This approach can significantly shorten the path to market as the vendor can skip the initial stages of implementing the custom OS architecture.

A blueprint will implement a minimum viable IoT product and will be managed independently of the Oniro core releases.

Each blueprint will have a life cycle independent of other blueprints and Oniro Core to allow the roadmap to reflect the needs of the industry, the partners and the community. Depending on community interest (or lack thereof), old blueprints may get retired and blueprints for new devices may be added to the roadmap. Popular blueprints may receive additional features over the course of multiple releases.

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