Eclipse Oniro Blueprints

Creating blueprints has many advantages for the Oniro Project. Some of them are outlined below.

  1. Provides a way to demonstrate Oniro features and technology using functional IoT device examples.
  2. Simplifies discussion with potential partners when one is able to show a real-world IoT device (albeit not fully-featured) built on top of Oniro by reducing the barrier to entry.
  3. Allows more thorough integration testing of Oniro components based on real user stories.
  4. Multiple blueprints will gain features to communicate with each other and work as a single ecosystem of devices thereby demonstrating the real value of the Oniro Project.
  5. Blueprints will reduce the barrier to entry for the community to engage with the Oniro Project due to the use of low-cost commodity hardware.

For Oniro, we want to provide blueprints of some IoT devices that can be built using Oniro. A Blueprint may be thought of as a set of instructions to put together some hardware, integrate it with Oniro running an application that mimics a real-world IoT device.

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