Eclipse Capella 1.3.1


API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

There is no specific issue detected on the Capella solution architecture.

Security Issues

There is no specific security issue detected on the Capella solution.

Non-Code Aspects

All communication links regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:

Wiki with "Release Notes" section

Website with different sections:

Installation instructions on Getting Started page

Community links

Download page for Capella and Documentation

Events around Capella solution (conferences, talks, etc.)

Links to YouTube dedicated channel for Capella as well as LinkedIn page and Twitter


Project page

Bugzilla, Hudson instance

Twitter and LinkedIn pages

Wikipedia dedicated page in FR and EN languages

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Capella solution UI is compliant with User Interface Guidelines.

End of Life

No APIs and significant features are intended to be deprecated in a near future.


Capella solution implement the Arcadia model-based engineering method for systems, hardware and software architectural design.

Before Arcadia is officially and entirely published, a light introduction explaining the rationale and main concepts is now available for download on the website.

Also, a dedicated page on Wikipedia has been written.


User, adopter and developer/committer:

    Initiator of Capella: Thales

    Consortium of the 3-years Clarity project

        Supporting open innovation for Model-Based Systems Engineering by structuring an ecosystem of major actors of the domain and providing an open-source environment Capella and its underlying method Arcadia.

        Improvements (functional, non-functional),


        Training sessions,


        Books (Capella, Arcadia)

    External partners showing interest in Capella solution through available communication means:

        LinkedIn, Twitter


    Dissemination: Capella Day Event, Creation of Capella Industry Consortium

    Score of 38/45 on the PolarSys Maturity Assessment tool: