Eclipse Capella 1.4.1


Architectural Issues

There is no specific issue detected on the Capella solution architecture.


Security Issues

There is no specific security issue detected on the Capella solution.

Non-Code Aspects

All Non-Code Aspects regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:

  • Wiki with "Release Notes", tutorials, sample sections
  • Website with different sections:
    • Installation instructions on Getting Started page
    • Download page for Capella and Documentation
  • Project page
Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Capella solution UI is compliant with User Interface Guidelines.

End of Life

No APIs and significant features are intended to be deprecated in a near future.


Capella solution implements the Arcadia model-based engineering method for systems, hardware and software architectural design.


All communication links regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:

User, Adopter :

  • Website with different sections:
    • Community and social media links
    • Events around Capella solution (conferences, talks, etc.)
  • Forum
  • Twitter and LinkedIn pages
  • Wikipedia dedicated page in FR and EN languages

Developer/Committer :