This release includes among bugfixes some enhancements such as:
- Replace PNG images in Capella diagram by SVG ones for better zooming quality
- Improved documentation
- Provide z-order menus/shortcuts("Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F") on edges to handle jump links (e.g tunnels)
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
There is no specific issue detected on the Capella solution architecture.
There is no specific security issue detected on the Capella solution.
All Non-Code Aspects regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:
- Main Website with Download links, Installation procedure, Documentation and presentations
- User manual
- Wiki with Release Notes, Roadmap, Tutorials, How to contribute and extend, Sample sections
- Project page
Capella solution UI is compliant with User Interface Guidelines.
No APIs and significant features are intended to be deprecated in a near future.
Capella solution implements the Arcadia model-based engineering method for systems, hardware and software architectural design.
All communication links regarding Capella solution are up-to-date:
User, Adopter :
- Main website with different sections:
- Community and social media links
- Events around Capella solution (conferences, talks, etc.)
- Forum
- Twitter and LinkedIn pages
- Wikipedia dedicated page in FR and EN languages
Developer/Committer :
- Github repository, Jenkins instance
- Wiki with Roadmap, Technical Informations