- Right-to-left support ('SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT')
- Replacement for 'PhaseListener'
- Graduate CkEditor from Incubator, compatible with Nebula RichText component
- Update of SWT Graphics package
- Support GC transformations
- Performance improvements by extending the 'preserve-on-demand' change detection, fixed memory leaks
- Use version specific / unique JavaScript URL to better support web caches
- Improve support for contributors by using Gerrit for RAP Incubator components
- Improve E4 support, use OSGi capabilities to enable a better wiring of RAP-based bundles and implementations
RAP follows semantic versioning, so RAP 3.1 will stay compatible with RAP 3.0.
The RAP project uses Babel for internationalization and translations. The team itself helps to translate the UI into German.
In general, RAP 3.1 is compatible to Java 7 (JavaSE-1.7), but Java 8 (JavaSE-1.8) is required for JFace Databinding support.