Eclipse Remote Application Platform 3.5.0



Eclipse RAP 3.5.0 for the initial Photon Eclipse Simultaneous Release

RAP 3.5.0 is a minor update in the 3.x release stream with bugfixes and with the following additions:

  • Add support for Servlet API 4.0
  • Add support for RGBA backgroud colors
  • Add missing SWT/JFace API
  • Improved image handling on Canvas
API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Security Issues

No known security issues.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

No usability issues.

End of Life

No change compared to RAP 3.4.

  • RWT requires javax.servlet version 2.5 .. 5.0 (up to Servlet 4.0 API)
This release is part of Eclipse Photon