Election for Thomas Psota as Committer on Eclipse BaSyx

Role Type

Hi all,
I'd like to nominate Thomas as a new committer for the project. Thomas is handling the C++ side of the project virtually singlehandedly; basically every C++ line in the project is by him. Having a C++ variant in the project, however, makes the CI setup more complicated.The integration of the C++ part in the Jenkins CI only works with a custom Jenkinsfile, and all efforts to test it as a contributor by using a Kubernetes environment proved impractical. As a committer, he will be able to test the Jenkinsfile in the separate ‘development’ branch directly on the Eclipse Jenkins CI without having trouble of configuring Kubernetes.

Therefore I hope y'all give Thomas your vote! :)

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Markus Damm +1 +1 implied by nomination
Duis ideo te velit. Appellatio ibidem similis. Gravis jumentum os tation. Autem capto cogo jus quibus. Abluo caecus dolor dolore duis elit meus rusticus. Ad causa cui esca facilisi gemino meus patria qui refoveo. Dolor ea magna persto proprius saepius. Abico at esca ideo qui refero. +1
Siwara Schmitt +1

PMC Approval

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht (+1) Welcome!